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(This is an informational page on what we do. You may find a way that works better for you and that is all right. We have no training in vet science, and cannot be held liable to the outcome of your animal's health.)
Clip the back ends, and udders of pregnant does. This helps to keep things clean during delivery and it helps the kid find the teats.
Set up kidding pens. Kids are masters in finding ways to escape, so make the pens kid proof. Pens should include bedding of a thick layer of straw or shavings, a bucket for water and a heat lamp. We recommend Premier's heat lamp or adding a metal guard over conventional heat lamps.
Premier Heat Lamp Wire Metal Guard Using Wire
(click on picture, for link)
Prepare a kidding box - we use an old plastic toolbox.
Old Towels
Surgical Gloves
Digital Thermometer
Triodine-7 (7% Iodine)
Empty butter tub with lid to collect colostrum from the doe, if needed
Syringe/stomach tube
Click on the syringe to see a video on how to tube a kid
Molasses - to add to a bucket of warm water for the doe, once her kid is born
THE PREGNANT DOE - Before Birthing
Below are some signs that kidding is approaching :
Pregnant does will get an enlarged udder starting one to six weeks prior to kidding
The muscles of the ligaments on both sides of the doe's tail will begin to soften and relax
The doe may isolate herself from the rest of the herd.
Three to four days before labor, the udder will appear quite large as it fills with milk. However, first fresheners may not show this development until the very end.

The Pregnant Doe - During Birthing
When the doe has a discharge of mucus from the vulva, which will become thicker closer to birthing, put the doe in a kidding pen.
After the water breaks, the doe should start to give birth within 30 minutes to one hour.
The kid should be right side up with the front feet first, with legs extended and head lying between the knees in a "diving" position.
If the doe is pushing hard for longer than 30 minutes and a kid does not appear, it may be necessary to assist the doe.
If the doe is in active labor and is pushing after having a kid and does not pass placenta or another kid within 30 minutes to one hour, assistance may be needed. However, some does may take longer between kids without problems. If the doe is standing up, cleaning a kid and appears comfortable, you can wait longer than one hour.
Click on the picture to see "Normal and Abnormal goat birth positions and how to help the doe if she is in trouble.
Once kidding is done the doe will shed her placenta. It may take up 12 to 18 hours for the placenta to detach.

Newborn Goat Kids - What to do
When the kid is born, the sac is usually broken, if it isn't broken, break it for the doe.
The doe will stimulate the newborn kid by licking it clean. Kids will normally vocalize as the doe cleans them.
Within a few hours after birth the kids will attempt to stand up and look for the udder to nurse.
The kid 's respiration is stimulated by his mother licking him.
If the kid appears lifeless, clean out the mucus from the nose and mouth with a finger, cloth or bulb syringe. Placing a piece of straw up the nose, will trigger a sneeze reaction and may help clear the airways.
Keep newborns warm and dry. If it is cold, wrap kids with a warm towel or kid sweater. A heat lamp (see above) can be used if safely secured to the pen.
Cut the naval cord to 1.5 inches and spray with 7 percent iodine . This will lower the chance of infection getting into the body.
Help weak newborns to stand up.
Provide colostrum (First Milk) to the newborn either by bottle, or by having them suckle from their mom.
It may take a little coaxing to get a kid to attach to the nipple. Be patient, but the kid will need to eat within 2 hours of being born. You may need to tube feed or syringe 2 to 3 ounces of colostrum into its mouth.
The kid's temperature should be 100 degrees or above, before trying to get it to suckle. If you need to raise its temperature, you can put the kid in a plastic sack with it's head out of the bag and put him in a tub of hot water and swish him around. Dry him with a towel or warm blow dryer.
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